or as Oprah says, "Lead your best life" Although these aren't exactly the same thing - or are they?
Pickup artists teach men not to just "be yourself", but to "be your best self" in order to pick up women.
Does motivation matter?
Sometimes I think any motivation is good motivation, especially when I'm feeling very unmotivated. But, the best motivation - the most useful - comes from deep down. That sounds so cheesy, but it is true for me.
I have a job interview today that I don't think I'll be very good at. Like, during the interview I'm going to be orally tested on circuits which I don't feel brushed up at. Would my best self do this? Probably not. I don't need to - I'm already committed to accepting a different job offer. I may be wasting my time and theirs.
On the other hand:
If I were my best self I would feel more comfortable with circuits, because a) I just worked as an electrical engineer for the past 19 months, and b) I am an electrical engineer by training.
But I'm not. I was doing specific things at my last job, and my general knowledge is not really there. I did graduate from the EE program in 2005 - that's 6 years ago.
Also, if I was my best self I would not cancel on people last minute.
Most importantly, if I was my best self I would not be so afraid of failure or of appearing stupid. It is actually completely reasonable that I don't remember general EE fundamentals. It's not great, it's not over-achieving, but it's reasonable.
It is 10 til 8 and the interview is at 10. I'll feel better after I eat a good breakfast...
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