Saturday, June 9, 2012


Went on a lovely camping trip.

I did have a bit of a freak out at one point, getting mad at D. I don't want to dwell on this. The positive thing that came out of this is that expressed many of my feelings. In a perfect world I could express my feelings without getting mad, but I am accepting myself and being kind to myself. I am imperfect, and not in control of everything. I have to accept that. That sounds RIDICULOUS, because it is so obvious, but in some areas of my life I really WANT to be perfect and in control. PERFECT AND IN CONTROL. Yuck. That's tough. Here is a quote from ADB:

"At times there's no point reasoning with certain moods - one just has to let them pass, as one would bad weather."

I got a decent amount of exercise on this trip - lots of walking, which was really fun. We also took photos of ourselves...

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